Monday, September 22, 2008

Invasions and Generations

Between 1970 and 2003, the USA has invaded five countries——in what the US calls "operations":

2003: Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom.

1994: Haiti: Operation Uphold Democracy.

1989: Panama: Operation Just Cause.

1983: Granada: Operation Urgent Fury.

1970: Cambodia, part of the Vietnam War, not particular name.

People who were in their 20s in the 1970s have witnessed five invasions already. These people are now in their 50s and their children, if they were born in the 1980s, are now in their twenties (the same age of their parents when the invasion of Cambodia)——and an invasion has taken place every six years since they were born in the 1980s. It means that we are used to invading other countries, that we think it is something this country does as a matter of course.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There have been 100 wars since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Richard Maybury points out that there have been 14,000 wars since 3600 BC.

One would hope that in a so called "modern" society, war could be abolished.