Friday, May 23, 2008

Blogging your personal life

Blogs seem to have opened this incredible opportunity for almost everybody with a computer to write about almost everything and "publish" it. Those in their 20s, people who have finished college recently and are now at the beginning of their professional lives, seem to have embraced blogs and social networking fully (not that people in their 30s and 40s have not done so themselves but I am guessing there are more people in their 20s blogging than those in their 30s and 40s). They are experimenting with this medium and finding out the ethical and political consequences of their blogging. Ms. Gould tells about her tribulations as she exposed her life and with it the life of others, and the consequences of doing it when it becomes part of the circuit of blog commentators. I am struck by the comments in the NYT to her piece: I only read seven or ten (there are over 700 comments) but they were quite nasty and rude. I am wondering if this tell us something about the kind of readerships (perhaps in terms of age, gender, and ethnicity) that follow the NYT as opposed to the readership that follow blogs. Anyway, here is the piece by Ms. Gould.

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